New Year Resolutions
New Year Resolutions
by: Ron Mullins and Thom Bolsch
Welcome to 2025.
It is a new year. A time to reset. A time to clean up. A time to accomplish.
So, what do you have on your “to do” list for the new year?
Let’s consider a few ideas that if not on that list, you may want to add to that list.
First. Let’s review habits. Do you do things, or don’t do things as a result of your routine that might increase your risk of being targeted by a bad actor?
Are you in the habit of locking your car when you walk away? What about locking up the house as soon as you walk in the door? Or walking the house to ensure all is locked and secure before you go to bed? Do you make it a habit to circle your vehicle when you approach it in the parking lot? And don’t forget the habit of visiting Saddle River Range regularly to keep your skills and discipline prepared for surprises?
Second. Do you know your neighbors? One of the most effective ways to keep a block crime free is for the neighbors to keep a watch on the neighborhood. Host a block party and get to know everyone. Identify someone to be a Neighborhood Watch Coordinator. Let everyone know that they can rely on each other to keep the block safe. It is an interesting phenomenon that if a community is crime aware and watching out for each other, criminals do see that and avoid areas where the neighbors are watching.
Third. Don’t let your house look vacant. Keep the yard fresh, eliminate shadows. Install security lights and cameras.
And don’t forget - be on the lookout, and if you see something, say something.
Turning the page in your calendar can bring a spectacular new year for you and your family. Keep yourself and the family safe with a few new habits added to your resolutions for the new year.
And remember to make a commitment to keep those perishable skills honed with a class or two at Saddle River Range.
Happy New Year.
Stay Alert, Stay Safe,
© Copyright 2025 Ron Mullins and Thom Bolsch
All rights reserved.